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Discuss how the book changes our perception of civil rights activities and the importance of the women involved in the movement

Discuss how the book changes our perception of civil rights activities and the importance of the women involved in the movement

Paper details: This paper will cover the book .The Immortal Life. You will need to write a review of the book and discuss how the book changes our perception of civil rights activities and the importance of the women involved in the movement. Book reviews are a bit different than book reports because you are outlining the author’s main points and then providing your own analysis of the book based on what you believed were the most important points that the author was making and what the book brings to the overall field of Women’s Studies. Meaning, you need to examine how this story changed or added to the field. Also, think about some of the main ways that we think about civil rights activities and who the central figures are in this book and what their activities add to the overall picture of the Civil Rights Movement. Please remember that your paper needs to include citations from the book and any outside sources used in the book. Failure to cite information in your paper will result in a zero on the paper. The paper will need to be 5-7 pages in length, 12 point Times New Roman, double-spaced.
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Henrietta Lacks photo is hanging on a wall belonging to Rebecca Skloot. Rebecca became interested in Henrietta Lacks after learning out that her cells were used to create the first immortal cells used in medical research. This led to her being convinced to write a book on the issue. This led to her working with the Lacks family for ten years in an aim of identifying Lacks origin……………………..


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