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Developing an SOP

Developing an SOP

A Guide for Voluntary
Compliance and Beyond
From Hazard to Risk:
Transforming the JHA
from a Tool to a Process

Paper details: Hi there Please I need you to read the chapter 11 from page 371-375 that i’m going to upload the file for you and answer the review question in the end of the chapter which is in page 375 and please read the instruction i uploaded and please avoid this problem You provided basic answers to the questions, but need to elaborate on your responses by providing additional information about what you know regarding what came straight from the book.and write the questions like this question…? answer..:




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Question: What is the rationale for developing an SOP?

Answer: The main rationale for developing an SOP is usually for an organization or the manager is to detail the steps involved in any job. In some instances, it highlights the description on how to do a given job using descriptions which are essential to the person doing the job. These descriptions might include pictures, diagrams or any other technique that is suitable to pass any information. The SOP collects all the required elements that the given job requires. This makes it to be more useful to a person than the Job Hazard Analysis. For example, the SOP includes details such as the materials needed to finish a given job, the time required to finish the job. It also includes the amount of products that are to be produced and also the available market for the goods produced………………………..


612 words

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