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Discuss why large teams of lawyers and many economic consultants

Discuss why large teams of lawyers and many economic consultants

Read the relevant sections – please see attachment to open link – Horizontal Merger Guidelines https://www.justice.gov/atr/merger-enforcement

Discuss why large teams of lawyers and many economic consultants are typically involved when the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice alleges that a proposed merger would be "Anticompetitive ".

Initial posts should be at least 275 words in length and fully address each component of the discussion.

Read the relevant sections (try sections 1,2, and 3) of Horizontal Merger Guidelines (Click to Read)

Click on the current guidelines under the heading “Guidelines and Statutes”.

It may help to look at and start working on the assignment first.

Discuss why large teams of lawyers and many economic consultants are typically involved when the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice alleges that a proposed merger would be “Anticompetitive”.



…………………Answer preview……………………………

Economic consultants and law firm are involved in determining the potential effect of merging of companies, if it may lead to a substantial lessening of non price competition. They usually employ a tactic similar to that of evaluating non price competition. With the merger company being bigger, this means that enhanced market power may most likely make the entity become profitable in the production of goods or provision of services……………………


458 words

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