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Discuss how this analysis affects how you price the service or product.

Discuss how this analysis affects how you price the service or product.

This week you are reviewing setting pricing based on break-even analysis, pricing strategies, and credit policies as they affect your small business and the people with whom you do business. You reviewed all of these concepts in both your Reading and practiced with these concepts in your Learning Activity. Now you have a chance to apply them to the business you are developing throughout this course.

For the product or service you will be offering in your business, please perform a break even analysis for three services, or three products.


Provide your breakeven point for all 3 (services or products).

Then discuss how this analysis affects how you price the service or product. 


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Unit 6 Discussion Break even investigation is a device used to decide when a business will have the capacity to cover every one of its costs and start to make a benefit. For the new company, it is critical to know your startup costs, which furnish you with the data you have to create enough deals income to pay the progressing costs identified with maintaining your business.

My new company must comprehend that $5,000 of item deals won’t cover $5,000 in month to month overhead costs. The expense of offering $5,000 in retail merchandise could without much of a stretch be $3,000 at the wholesale value, so the $5,000 in deals income just gives $2,000 in gross benefit. The equal the initial investment point is come to when income meets all business costs. The company will lease three items – item X, item Y and item Z. The variable costs and deals costs of the considerable number of items are given beneath:…………………………………………………..


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