Answer these questions
1- Which of the fundamentals of planning did GE exe- cute ineffectively? Explain your rationale.
2. Which of the three types of goals were ineffectively managed by GE? Explain.
3. State two SMART goals for GE based on the case. Given the political issues discussed in the case, how might GE ensure that these goals are attainable? Discuss.
4. Using Figure 5.5, describe what GE could have done to improve the process of transporting the evaporator. Provide specific recommendations.
5. What did you learn about planning based on this case? Explain.
· 550 words with conclusion and use level header for each question.
· 3 sources and use APA format for the citation
· Do not use it or if.
………………….Answer preview……………………….
Plan defines what your organization stands for, it defines the market where you compete and how you compete in that mark. The steps involved in planning process include; define the objectives, determine where you stand according to the objectives, develop premises regarding future conditions, analyze and choose among action alternatives, implement the plan and evaluate results. According to GE’s plan they fail to take into consideration three important planning making processes, that is, to define the objectives, determine where they stand according to the objectives, and develop premises regarding future condition (Analoui, & Karami, 2003)……………………………………………………………
580 words