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Analysis of Market Information, SWOT Analysis, Identification of Competitive Advantages, Selection of Strategic Focus

Analysis of Market Information, SWOT Analysis, Identification of Competitive Advantages, Selection of Strategic Focus

Part 1 (due thursday) Analysis of Market Information, SWOT Analysis, Identification of Competitive Advantages, Selection of Strategic Focus –

Part 2 (due friday) Analysis of potential customers, segmentation of market and selection of Target Market that supports the Strategic Focus.

·  Development of Product Strategies aligned with Strategic Focus

Part 3

·  Development of Pricing, Distribution and Integrated Communications Plan

·  Development of Implementation Plan.

……………….Answer Preview……………………..

Whole Food Market is amongst the largest chain of organic and natural foods supermarkets in the U.S. The company was established in the year 1980 with its headquarters based in Austin, Texas. Whole Food Market operates close to 299 stores that are found in different regions across the world. Good examples of products offered by the company include grocery, seafood, poultry and meat, vitamins………….



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