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Sociology Theory

Sociology Theory

Discussion Board 11
So far in this class we have discussed large terms such as structure, capitalism, bureaucracy and interaction. Let us turn to something that we are aware of everyday–emotions! We get angry, sad, and anxious. We often think of these things as something deeply personal as opposed to something tied to society. Consider Arlie Hochschild’s ideas of emotion work and emotion labor. Using these ideas please answer the following question:
Hochschild argues that in today’s society, people are forced to manage their emotions to fit the requirements of their social settings, such as at workplaces. Can you describe ways in which the requirements of your external workplace (or other formal space) shapes how you must manage the type and amount of emotions you show?
Hochschild also argues that being a certain gender shapes the types of emotions we are “allowed” to show. Based on personal experience, have you found yourself having to manage your emotions based on your gender? If so, please explain.

Discussion Board 12
Nowadays we are quite used to hearing in the news about terms such as surveillance. With all the mobile technology in our lives, we have almost become accustomed to always being watched in some way. Michel Foucault raises the question of how these technologies control our lives and even our bodies. Please answer the following question:
While our mobile technologies are supposed to free us, how does Foucault argue that modern technology creates a new way of controlling human behavior?
Explore how technology controls your everyday behavior. Here think about how cell phones, social networking apps, and other technologies control your attention.
Discussion Board 13
The Bonilla-Silva link discusses the idea of a post-racial society. Please present at least 2 ways in which Silva argues that we do not live in a post-racial society

Discussion Board 14
The last time terms such as “capital” were discussed was in the chapter on Karl Marx. For Marx, capital was something concrete, such as money or land. Pierre Bourdieu develops the notion of capital to be “cultural” and “social”. Each of these type of capital impact our opportunities in life just like traditional forms of capital, according to Bourdieu. Keeping this in mind, please answer the following questions:
Choose either the concept of social or cultural capital and explain how it has shaped your own personal life. For example, how has possessing or not possessing social capital impacted your opportunities or resources?
We learned in early chapters that Marx argued that one way to solve the problem of inequality is to redistribute wealth in society. He called that society socialism. Given Bourdieu’s view that social and cultural capital can be as important as material capital, how could cultural or social capital be distributed? In what way do we distribute social and cultural capital today? For example, think about the role of education in distributing cultural capital.

Discussion Board 15
Globalization makes us think of a new world where people are connected all across the globe. Sociologists study how globalization has changed our life in various ways. After watching the video links and encountering the readings, please answer the following questions.
Provide at least 2 ways that globalization has changed the world.
Based on the Durkheim and Merton Globalization reading, explain how we can apply these two theorists’ ideas to the phenomenon of globalization.




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Working as a sales executive at an insurance company is not particularly an easy task just like any other. The company mainly relies on customers for its survival hence customers are treated as the number one priority. The company mainly deals in selling life insurance policies and each week when we attend staff meetings…………………………………..


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