The documentary of Ken Burns Jazz – Episode 8: “Risk”
08.11b – DOCUMENTARY DISCUSSION, Charlie Parker & Dizzy Gillespie – bop 1
From Sum24_MUSE-112_42895 36 36 unread replies. 36 36 replies.
INSTRUCTIONS: View the documentary/segments (or documentaries) posted on the previous page(s) in its/their entirety, make notes about important people, features, & events. Formulate ideas and connections based on the film and the chapter reading. You might include topics covering musical performances, historical references, and other relevant topics you found interesting.
Your initial discussion post (personal reaction) should not be a complete summary of the segments viewed, but should include thoughts that specifically point to the documentary about the topic, and may include connections to class listening or readings.
Primary topics:
Charlie Parker
Dizzy Gillespie
In addition, other topics may include:
other jazz musicians during the bebop era
innovators of bebop
Minton\\\\\\\’s Playhouse
bebop (style)
compare/contrast bop and swing, based on documentary viewing/reading
musical force (evolution or revolution)
older generation/younger generation
other topics…
Make an initial discussion post no later than Friday, July 19, by 11:59 pm. Your initial post should be roughly one to two short paragraphs (100-200 words) and SHOULD be in your own words. Your observations should not be a summary of the entire documentary or segments, but rather an observation/personal reaction to the film as a whole using evidence from the film.
Reply posts should demonstrate conversation and supply substance to the Discussion Assignment, not a \\\\\\\’simple\\\\\\\’ reply.
As a reminder, written reactions/discussions are intended to be free-thinking and original. The assignment is asking for YOUR reactions.
I will not accept any plagiarized work.
*(If you do not view the entire documentary through \\\\\\\’Canvas Studio\\\\\\\’ you may be assigned a grade of zero, regardless of the status of your discussion posts)
Post your initial reaction/comments by Friday, July 19, (11:59 pm)
Two (2) replies to two (2) other comment threads by Sunday, 21, (11:59 pm)
Consider referring back to the Core Rules of Netiquettes Links to an external site.:
\\\\\\”You may … be judged by the quality of your writing. Use proper spelling and grammar.\\\\\\” -also, proofread your work before you submit.
\\\\\\”Pay attention to the content of your writing. Be sure you know what you\\\\\\\’re talking about; bad information propagates like wildfire on the net. In addition, make sure your writing is clear and logical. It\\\\\\\’s perfectly possible to write a paragraph that contains no errors in grammar or spelling, but still makes no sense whatsoever.\\\\\\”
Although this is not a course focusing on grammar, it is an academic class and you should consider the following:
Proofread your work before you submit. Use the best English language you have available.
Read and re-read for content and word flow.
Be careful of the words you choose; some words may have very strong meanings and troubled histories.
here is the 2 post need to be reply:
First post:
Angelina: While watching the documentary, I found the era of bebop and the drug abuse of heroin to be at around the same time, except for a select few, to be an interesting correlation. There was a time when the use of certain narcotics was widely accepted and even thought of as something that made people play music better when in reality, it did not have any correlation, as proven by significant musicians such as Dizzy Gillespie, where narcotics and alcohol are not the cause of their brilliant music playing. Hearing about bebop as a genre and listening to music examples has piqued my interest. The fast tempo and intricate melodies and rhythm sections created unique pieces of music that cannot be replicated but enjoyed nonetheless. The intricacies of it all make the music stand out, in its unique way.
second post:
I found Charlie Parker\\\’s personality very unique, somewhat similar to Sidney Bechet\\\’s. They both lacked formal education, had criminal charges, and went to Europe to perform. Parker\\\’s exposure to drugs was nothing like anyone else mentioned in the textbook. He did marijuana, which was pretty common, and amphetamine, and morphine, while he was hospitalized from a car crash, and most importantly, heroin. The different paths the two musical partners took were very interesting. Charlie Parker and Dizzy Gillespie performed together and were very close to each other. It\\\’s disastrous how drug addiction can change one\\\’s course so extreme that led one to die at a young age and the other to be remembered to be the public face of Bebop.
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