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Hypothetical intervention

Hypothetical intervention

Hypothetical intervention on how to address the problem of people not using dietitian services and how they can benefit if they do use them.

They have advised the members that the purpose of the committee is the assess evidence in the literature to identify evidence-based practices to be implemented in the hospital and address prominent clinical concerns. As a nurse on this committee, you have been presented with a clinical concern prevalent within the organization. You will need to conduct a literature search to find background evidence/information of the clinical issue. Following an understanding of the problems, you will continue to search the literature and appraise and rank the evidence for an intervention/assessment to address the clinical issue. Once an intervention/assessment has been selected you will then decide how to promote the adoption and evaluation of this clinical practice in your hypothetical health care institution.

In an 8-10-page paper (excluding title page, tables, and reference page) you will describe and discussing the following:

  • Describe clinical concern affecting the healthcare institution
  • Background knowledge of the problem (describe the importance and relevance of the problem to patient care and/or the role of the nurse)
  • Review and evaluate evidence addressing the clinical issue (evaluate six primary research/data-based articles in past 5 years no later than 2019 including one systematic review or meta-analysis on your topic.)
  • Identify an intervention to be implemented into the clinical practice and provide an explanation of the use of the evidence-based practice.
  • Delineate strategies to translate the evidence-based practice/recommendation into clinical practice by nurses in your hypothetical healthcare setting.
  • Evaluation plan to assess the outcome of the evidence-based recommendation in the clinical setting.

Students will develop 2 tables that reflect evidence, which contributes to the knowledge on this topic:

Table 1 should summarize evidence that was selected from the literature search and includes the identification of the level (grade) of evidence using Johns Hopkins University Evidence Level.

Table 2 should summarize key information about each article reviewed to form a synthesis of evidence table.

When writing this paper, use current and appropriate references; references need to include those beyond the assigned readings listed in the syllabus. Follow APA guidelines strictly. For this synthesis of evidence paper, upload a copy of the 6 primary research/data based articles used in this body of work in Blackboard. (Note: The EBP you recommend should be an autonomous (or relatively autonomous) nursing action (e.g., an assessment or an intervention). This does not include delegated interventions such as administering a medication or a provider\\\’s decision such as giving a medicine versus counseling. It could include collaborating with physicians/nurse practitioners/physician assistants to seek an order, such as removal of a urinary catheter.) Rubric found in Appendix C and on Blackboard.

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