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Respond to two colleagues

Respond to two colleagues

Respond to two colleagues by sharing one benefit and one challenge to their approach.

2nd colleagues approach
According to Ostovar et al. (2024) complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) has gained popularity as therapeutic approach outside conventional medicine. Likewise, Gehlert & Browne (2006, p. 674) acknowledge the same sentiment that CAM has only increased in popularity across Americans who seek health treatments outside modern Western medicine. The reasons for individuals seeking health treatments outside of western medicine can vary. For instance, Mr. & Ms. Xiao have faith in alternative medicine, and this is their choice for treatment.
A couple of things I would do to work Mr. Xiao are to remain respectful of their cultural beliefs and choices, so first I would reflect on what the IDT/physician has stated to make sure they understand their diagnosis and their options; engage with Mr. Xiao to comprehend what he understands about herbal medicines and acupuncture and what his perspectives are for treating his Stage 2 thyroid cancer; inquire about other beliefs and cultural aspects that are important to him and his family; ask if he would consider doing both Western and alternative medicine; seek Mr. Xiao’s permission to remain connected to observe his progress with what he has chosen as a treatment method; and assist the family with any future care planning (ex., advance directive) in case the thyroid cancer progresses with no treatment and/or options available.
Include techniques for achieving buy in from other team members.
• To reconsider the vision, Mr. Xiao has presented it as an option for his diagnosis and remains open to complementing both Western and alternative treatments, if possible, by offering evidence-based data that supports or aligns with Mr. Xiao’s voice.
• Building and sharing a problem list with the IDT and Mr. Xiao so that he can comprehend any negatives that may surface as his diagnosis progresses.
• Encourage whole team responsibility to recognize the cultural factors involved with Mr. Xiao and why they are important.
• Acknowledging the barriers that may emerge for the patient if collaboration and communication do not coexist.
• Recognizing that integrated healthcare/IDT collaboration with a social worker is effective because they address the psycho-social issues (e.g., cultural perspectives) that physicians may lack and/or they deem not applicable to them.
• Be knowledgeable about patient diagnosis to build trust, relationships, and transparency with the IDT and patients.
Also address specific ways in which you would support the patient and family members throughout their care.
Ways to support the patient and family are to strengthen the therapeutic alliance with all collateral\’s, remain transparent and honest. Provide support through psychoeducation and connection to resources that are available for this family. Engaging and comprehending who they are and what is important to them. Likewise understanding family dynamics and implementing supportive measures where needed. For instance, knowing Mr. Xiao’s thoughts on death (e.g., informing and having advanced directive in place) if his diagnosis progresses and what he would want for his family/wife or supporting Mrs. Xiao with issues such as anticipatory grief or financial situations should Mr. Xiao pass away.
Gehlert, S. (2006). Alternative, Complementary, and Integrative Medicine in a Conventional Setting. . In Handbook of Health Social Work (2nd ed., pp. 673–707). essay, Wiley Inc. & Sons.
Ostovar, M., Shams, M., Mahmoudi, M., Dehghan, A., Moini Jazani, A., & Hashempur, M. H. (2024). Prevalence, patterns, and disclosure of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) use among patients with thyroid diseases: A cross-sectional study in Iran. Heliyon, 10(13). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e33436
Walden University, LLC. (2022). Social work case studies. [Interactive media]. https://class.waldenu.edu / Mr. Xiao
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