The concept of Ethical Discretion
The concept of Ethical Discretion is introduced in your readings of this week and is a topic that will appear frequently as we move through this course. Essentially, ethical discretion requires the criminal justice practitioner to measure, or balance, complying with the rule of law versus the ramifications of noncompliance or, in many cases, “bending” the rule of law to fit a particular scenario. In exercising such discretion, the practitioner must also balance the impact on the state or agency should the rule be thwarted or ignored.
In this Paper, you must first take the position that ethical discretion is a necessary tool for the criminal justice practitioner. In addition to making a strong “pro” argument, include at least one original scenario as an example to support your position. Be sure to discuss the impact on the state or agency resulting from the exercise of ethical discretion in your scenario.
After making your “pro” argument, take the opposite position and present a compelling argument that supports strict adherence to the rule of law versus the exercise of ethical discretion. Create an original scenario in which you apply the rule of law rather than exercising ethical discretion, and discuss the impact on the public that might result from this decision.
Conclude with a statement of your personal position as to whether the exercise of ethical discretion is a necessary component of the job of a criminal justice professional.
This paper should be 2-4 pages in length.
Due on Sep 1, 2024 11:59 PM
Available on Aug 26, 2024 12:00 AM. Access restricted before availability starts.
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Rubric Name: Papers 1, 3, 4, and 5 Rubric (100 points)
Criteria Proficient
Needs Improvement
Criterion Score
APA Format
10 points
APA style is adhered to with only 1 or 2 minor mistakes
8 points
APA style is adhered to with only 3 or 4 minor mistakes or 1 large mistake
7 points
APA style is adhered to with only 5 or 6 minor mistakes or 1-2 large mistakes
6 points
APA style is adhered to with only 5 or 6 minor mistakes and 2-3 large mistakes
Score of APA Format,
/ 10
50 points
Central idea is well developed and clarity of purpose runs throughout the paper
Evidence of critical, careful thought and insight
Evidence and examples are specific, while focus remains tight
44 points
Central idea and clarity of purpose are generally evident
Evidence of critical careful thought and/or insight
There are good relevant supporting examples and evidence
39 points
The central idea is expressed though it may be too broad; some sense of purpose is maintained
Some evidence of critical, careful thought and analysis and/or insight
There are some examples of evidence, though general
34 points
Central idea and clarity of purpose are absent or incompletely expressed and maintained
Little or no evidence of critical, careful thought or analysis and/or insight
There are too few, or no examples and evidence or they are mostly irrelevant
Score of Content,
/ 50
20 points
Paper is logically organized
Easily followed
Effective, smooth, and logical transitions
Professional format
17 points
Paper has a clear structure with some digressions or irrelevances
Easily followed
Basic transitions
Structured format
15 points
There is some level of organization though there are too many irrelevancies or digressions
Difficult to follow
Ineffective transitions
Rambling format
13 points
There is no apparent organization to the paper
Difficult to follow
No or poor transitions
No format
Score of Structure,
/ 20
20 points
No major issues with needing edits, grammatical issues, or mechanics
17 points
Minor issues with needing edits, grammatical issues, and mechanics
15 points
Several issues with needing additional edits, grammatical issues, and mechanics
13 points
Significant issues with needing additional edits, grammatical issues, and mechanics
Score of Grammar/Mechanics,
/ 20
TotalScore of Papers 1, 3, 4, and 5 Rubric (100 points),
/ 100
Overall Score
Level 4
86 points minimum
Level 3
78 points minimum
Level 2
56 points minimum
Level 1
0 points minimum
Requirements: 2 TO 4 PAGES
answer preview to The concept of Ethical Discretion