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Go to the Forums tab in the DC network and explore the list of active forums

Go to the Forums tab in the DC network and explore the list of active forums

Go to the Forums tab in the DC network and explore the list of active forums. Select one of the forums that you believe may be of value to you given your dissertation field of interest. Identify the forum topic you selected, and summarize the contents of the existing forum posts for that topic. Why do you believe this forum may be helpful to you? How might interaction in the DC forums be a meaningful activity during your dissertation process? Explain.

Topic is business psychology



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The active forum chosen is Are you working on research related to a business environment? Which can be found at https://dc.gcu.edu/forums/generaldiscussiondissertationtopics~2/areyouworkingonresearchrelatedtoabusinessenvironme

I believe this forum will be of help to me since my dissertation filed of interest is business psychology. This forum is created and initiated by Rebekah Clarke who informs that there is a new LinkedIn group called GCU Network for Business-Focused Dissertations”. The membership are mostly DBA and EdD students….


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