Criminal justice professionals who work in the courts are also held to ethical standards that guide their behavior
Week 2: Discussion Topic
DUE: 7/12/23
It’s not only police officers who are held to ethical standards; criminal justice professionals who work in the courts are also held to ethical standards that guide their behavior. An evidence technician is responsible for preserving evidence for court trials; their commitment to ethics and professionalism can make the difference between a guilty or not guilty verdict.
Read “Chain of Custody” to learn about processes related to evidence preservation. Review Ch. 5, “Judges, Lawyers, and Ethics,” of Criminal Justice Ethics. Consider the professional obligations law enforcement and the courts have in preserving and using evidence.
Banks, C. (2020). Criminal justice ethics: Theory and practice (5th ed.). SAGE Publications, Inc.
Law enforcement is primarily responsible for evidence conservation.
• How is the chain of custody process related to the professional responsibilities of law enforcement? How does it encourage or discourage ethical behavior in law enforcement?
Before a trial, judges, prosecutors, and defense attorneys will agree upon or challenge evidence to be used in trial by arguing its merit in resolving a case.
• How is the chain of custody process related to the professional responsibilities of law enforcement?
• How might prosecutorial discretion positively or negatively impact the use of evidence in a court trial?
Cite at least 1 scholarly source to support your thinking.
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