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GEOGRAPHY 141: FALL 2016 PROJECT 2 (DUE DECEMBER 1): 60 points


Your task this semester will be to “adopt” one of the newspapers listed below and to explore how our geography course themes are being played out within another part of the world.  Each of these newspapers has an English language version that is accessible on the Internet (addresses follow the newspaper title). Once you decide upon a part of the world and a newspaper that interests you, you are required to complete an assignment that is due near the end of the semester.  START EARLY, because assembling your portfolio of news stories will take some time and it will require some thought to put your examples into the context of the course.  You needn’t wait until we cover a particular portion of the world in class…feel free to browse the text in appropriate chapters to get a sense of what some key regional issues might be in a part of the world you wish to explore. The assignment has two parts and both are required for full credit:


PART ONE (30 points):


Assemble a portfolio of SIX articles from the newspaper (provide title of article, date, and copy of article) that you can argue are OUTSTANDING examples of timely issues/problems/events shaping that particular region AND which fit clearly into one or more of the course’s 5 regional themes (1)Environmental Geography, 2)Population and Settlement, 3) Cultural Diversity, 4) Geopolitical Setting, and 5) Social/Economic Setting). Articles must be dated since 10/1/16.Choose articles that focus on stories within your region. (Don’t choose a Russian article that reports on a typhoon in China).

FOR EACH OF THE SIX ARTICLES, also notewhich of the five themes (1 or more)best fit the topic (Environment, Population, Culture, etc) and write a one-paragraph summary of the article that makes such a connection clear. You may choose all your articles dealing with one theme(for example, environmental issues or geopolitics) OR you can vary it to include examples of any and all themes. USE ONLY ONE NEWSPAPER SOURCE. You will have a total of six summary paragraphs and six articles to turn in.

PART TWO (30 points):

Answer the following more general discussion question (about two pages (typed) total):

How do recent issues and events in your region covered by the newspaper illustrate the general processes of a)  “DIVERSITY” and/or b) “GLOBALIZATION” within your selected region?

You can emphasize “diversity” or “globalization” in your discussion or you can explore how both are evident. You may want to revisit initial discussions of these ideas in the text (Chapter 1). For this discussion, you may certainly rely on MORE than just the six articles used above in Part One.…you may also use examples/events discussed elsewhere in these newspapers.


Granma International (Cuba) http://www.granma.cu/idiomas/ingles/index.html

Moscow Times (Russia) https://themoscowtimes.com/

Hurriyet Daily News and Economic Review (Turkey) http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/

Lagos Vanguard (Nigeria)http://www.vanguardngr.com/

Jerusalem Post (Israel) http://www.jpost.com/

Times of India (India) http://www.timesofindia.com

People’s Daily (China) http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/



……….Answer preview……….

The above article talks of how schools in India have adopted away from exercising their culture through large shows of showcasing and practicing their cultural customs. Many schools will be mingling for annual events that will bring about social-cultural interactions, (The Times of India, 2016). There will be festivals organized and national-level seminars over the same. Most of the events shall be held by the government and various bodies involved in the cultural industry……….


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