All written work must be submitted in accordance with the rubrics and requirements of
Writing a Research Paper is an opportunity for the student to deepen an appreciation of one area of the course or to gain some knowledge of a new area.
Pay attention to instructions such as format of Paper: 1400 words minimum; excluding title page and Bibliography.
The Title page must contain the Title, your name, class and section, and date submitted. A complete and accurate Bibliography is also required.
The Paper takes its lead from the Title. There is absolutely no point or gain in writing on a topic that is not requested. Make sure you understand what the Title implies, if you are not sure – ask. An F will penalize a Paper that is not on a topic related to the course or not approved.
You could in the Introduction to the paper in a sentence or two indicate how you understand the Title and show how you intend to deal with it. A good structure is to have an introduction, main argument and conclusion. The introduction sets the topic in perspective. It is the first thing that the examiner reads and it should impress. But it needs to follow through into the main body of the Paper. The conclusion should round off the paper and summarize your argument.
Most topics are multi dimensional. There is rarely only one approach. Your argument must indicate that there are different valid approaches. Even if you are taking one line of thought, you must indicate at least an awareness of other arguments. See other views/opinions as dialogue partners to whom you must respond.
On the other hand, it is not sufficient to merely list different viewpoints without trying to form your own conclusion/interpretation – this is mere pasting. Two-thirds of the Paper should be original i.e. only one third (and preferably less than a third) should be direct quotation and/or strict paraphrasing
The examiner should have a sense that you are in control of your material and sources at all times. Being in control means that you are in charge of the information and that the information is not controlling you. You must show that the material you are using is understood by you. Never incorporate material into your Paper that you cannot demonstrate that you understand. If you don’t understand it simply don’t use it. If you do use material that you cannot show that you understand, this will be severely penalized.
Papers are in the realm of public discourse. As such there is an appropriate style. Slang/colloquial expressions or spellings (e.g. tho for though etc.)are not permitted. Never allow emotional outbursts to creep into your style. If you decide to disagree with a viewpoint, be sure you can substantiate your disagreement. If you can’t support your viewpoint, you have lost credibility and balance. Be temperate in your own argument lest you set yourself up for a fall.
You may make sense of what you wrote but don’t assume it is obvious to the reader/examiner. Get a friend/family member to read through it to check clarity of expression. Please proof read your paper. Bad syntax, sloppy presentation, lack of clarity will lose you marks.
The student is expected to offer a full and accurate bibliography, indicting works consulted and cited. Failure to fully acknowledge sources will be penalized to the point of automatic failure if necessary. The ratio between hard sources and online sources should be no less than 3:2.
Unless you indicate otherwise, your paper must express your own words, style and form. Obviously you must clearly acknowledge citations (indicating the reference text and page) but unacknowledged paraphrasing or summarizing of material will also be penalized. Moreover such paraphrasing must be in your own words, style and form. For example never use a word or concept in your paper that you do not understand or cannot explain if so required (and I may require such explanation).
References in your Bibliography are only acceptable if in fact they impact upon your paper by citation or by influencing your argument. I require you to indicate how the texts in your bibliography that are not used for citation purposes make their presence felt. In your paper you must indicate that the following paragraph or point is based on pp. s z of “Article A” or Book B on pp. s z states that… I must be easily able to distinguish between your ‘voice’ and those of your sources. Plagiarism will be rewarded with an automatic F (=0%) for the Paper, and insofar as other sanctions are available, these too will be applied to the utmost. It is up to the student to inform themselves as to what constitutes plagiarism. The burden is on you to understand what constitutes Plagiarism.
Footnotes or endnotes should be part of your manner of presentation, not just in citing sources but in developing points that may not be appropriately expressed in the body of the essay.
In general I am wary of encyclopedic sources (either from books or on CD-ROM). These may be good starting points but should not be primary sources. Any source you are using should be upto date. Works dating before the 70s are in general out of date. Basing your Paper on out of date or inadequate sources severely weakens your presentation. Use of poor, outdated sources may yield an F. Try and know the background of the text, especially if it does not represent a mainstream position or presents an unconventional viewpoint. Feel free to consult me on sources.
*There must be a works cited page, in addition footnotes that are mean to be used for additional information within your paper.
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This as a broad topic that deals typically with the dynamics involved in religions. It is the study of worship; it covers a vast area such as rituals, history of religions, the concept of religious truth and divine beings. All people regardless of the ranks of faithful believers have a single idea or view of God……………………
2245 words