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What patient education would you include when starting a patient on ace-inhibitor medication

What patient education would you include when starting a patient on ace-inhibitor medication

5. What patient education would you include when starting a patient on ace-inhibitor medication?

6. Johnathan is a 72-year-old Asian male who presents to the clinic for evaluation due to symptoms of dyspnea, wheezing and a productive cough with white, frothy sputum. He is a 1 Pack Per day (PDD) smoker for the last 40 years.
Vital signs: Temperature 98.0 F, BP 135/78, Pulse 88, R 22, Oxygen Saturation: 91% on Room Air. His postbronchodilator pulmonary function test today revealed FEV1/FVC at 55% of the predicted value.
Is there enough information given for Johnathan to be diagnosed with COPD? If not, what is missing? If so, what stage of COPD is Johnathan in?
What pharmacologic treatment plan would you formulate for Johnathan?
7. Discuss the first-line pharmacologic management of a patient with COPD.

8. Discuss the diagnostic criteria needed to make a diagnosis of Congestive Heart Failure (CHF).
What diagnostic /lab studies would you need to help confirm a diagnosis of CHF?

Paper Format: APA

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What patient education would you include when starting a patient on ace-inhibitor medication


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