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Assume that you are a healthcare policy analyst for your state or local health department.

Assume that you are a healthcare policy analyst for your state or local health department.

For this assignment, assume that you are a healthcare policy analyst for your state or local health department. Visit the CSU Online Library to find a peer-reviewed article published within the last 10 years pertaining to public health research and practice or health policy reform. Utilizing the public policy analysis and public health research skills you acquired in this unit, write a two and a half pages critique of the selected article that includes the following information.

Briefly introduce and summarize the article.

Explain if the author or authors\’ arguments support the main point.

Define and critically analyze the major public health issue in the article.

Illustrate how you can utilize the information in the article to influence the policymaking process and public health policy and practice in your state or local health department.

Identify a relevant policy evaluation model you can employ to determine the best possible policy solution to the issue in the article.

Use APA format for your paper, including all references and in-text citations.

Answer preview to assume that you are a healthcare policy analyst for your state or local health department.

Assume that you are a healthcare policy analyst for your state or local health department.


792 words

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