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Along with techniques, assessments, and rankings, there are risk management tools, both computer-based and handwritten

Along with techniques, assessments, and rankings, there are risk management tools, both computer-based and handwritten

Along with techniques, assessments, and rankings, there are risk management tools, both computer-based and handwritten. Describe how risk management tools are used, either individually or as part of a larger project management software system.

In view of the fact that there is a preponderance of computer-based tools, do you think that project managers can get lost in the software and miss particular risks within a project? Why or why not?
How useful are these tools at monitoring, controlling, scheduling, and risk management?

Answer preview to Along with techniques, assessments, and rankings, there are risk management tools, both computer-based and handwritten

Along with techniques, assessments, and rankings, there are risk management tools, both computer-based and handwritten


337 words

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