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Complete the planning chart below to outline a research-based reading lesson based on a grade-appropriate book

Complete the planning chart below to outline a research-based reading lesson based on a grade-appropriate book

ELM-315 Planning Reading Instruction

Directions: Read the case study. Using what you know about Alonso, complete the planning chart below to outline a research-based reading lesson based on a grade-appropriate book that can help Alfonso work toward achieving his vocabulary and reading comprehension goals.

Complete the “Reflection” section at the bottom of the chart.

Support the assignment with three scholarly resources in the “References” section.

Case Study:

Seven-year-old Alfonso has two months left in his first grade year. He is active and outgoing, has many friends, and loves to play soccer. Science is his favorite subject. He enjoys learning anything related to space and sloths. He is very curious and particularly likes hands-on academic activities that use manipulatives.

During literacy class instruction, Alfonso can sound out words well, but struggles with reading comprehension including word meanings and finding connections among words in various grade-appropriate texts. Alfonso has a particularly hard time connecting what he reads with what he already knows. He often brings up irrelevant information when trying to make these connections.

Alfonso’s teacher, Ms. Seymour, wants to ensure Alfonso masters the vocabulary and comprehension skills that are expected before the end of the year, so she has written the following curricular/academic goals for him:

  • Given a grade-appropriate text with new vocabulary, Alfonso will use context clues and other strategies, such as consulting a dictionary, to help determine the meaning of unfamiliar words.
  • Given a grade-appropriate text, Alfonso will make connections from text to self to help comprehend the meaning of the text.

In addition, the school principal has arranged for a reading specialist to help with meeting Alfonso’s developmental needs, and the two of you will collaborate to develop a structured system you and the specialist could put in place that involves short- and long-term goal setting, as well as data analysis, re-evaluation, and feedback to Alfonso and his family.

State Literacy Standards:(Select and list in their entirety two state literacy standards that apply to the lesson.) 1. 2.
Learning Objectives: (Provide two objectives aligned to one or more state literacy standards and reflective of the literacy goals Alfonso is working to achieve.) 1. 2.
Selected Book Title and Author:   
Strategies for Activating Prior Knowledge:(In 1-2 sentences, describe two research-based strategies that will be used to activate Alonso’s prior knowledge.) 1. 2.
Vocabulary Words: (Identify at least five vocabulary words from the text that will be introduced in the lesson.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Instructional Strategies for Developing Vocabulary Knowledge: (In 1-2 sentences, describe two research-based instructional strategies that will be used to develop vocabulary knowledge.) 1. 2.
Instructional Strategies for Comprehension Skills: (In 1-2 sentences, describe two research-based instructional strategies that will be used to develop comprehension skills.) 1. 2.
Additional Application of Vocabulary and Comprehension Skills: (In 1-2 sentences, describe two ways that Alonso will be encouraged to apply the vocabulary and comprehension skills and strategies he is practicing in other content areas/classroom situations.) 1. 2.
Reading Specialist Collaboration Plan: (In 1-2 sentences, describe how you will do each of the following.) 1. Collaborate to set short- and long-term goals for Alonso: 2. Collaborate to meet Alonso’s individual needs and enhance his learning:    
Reflection: In 250-words, address the following: Explain how the lesson addresses Alonso’s specific learning needs includinga discussion about how you developed the plan based upon knowledge of the student, learning theory, connections across the curriculum, Alonso’s curricular goals, and the community.Provide research-based justification for the vocabulary and comprehension strategies you selected and why you think they will be effective in meeting Alonso’s specific needs.
References: Cite three scholarly resource to support the chart content.  

Answer preview to Complete the planning chart below to outline a research-based reading lesson based on a grade-appropriate book

Complete the planning chart below to outline a research-based reading lesson based on a grade-appropriate book


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