Physiological Psychology
Guidelines for Research Paper
General Guidelines/Instructions
The assignment is to write a 7-10 page typed research paper using APA style. The paper must contain at least 7 sources, no more than two of which can be Internet sources. If you are using an online version of a published journal, you do not have to count that as an Internet source. You may NOT use your text as a source.
It is the student’s responsibility to familiarize himself/herself with the APA style guidelines. For those of you unfamiliar with APA style there are online tutorials that may assist you. The site Purdue OWL is very helpful and easy to use. This site includes links to other references to APA style. There are also copies of the APA Publication Manual in the library. We will be using the 6th edition of the APA Publication Manual
A Complete Paper Should Include:
Title Page: Includes running head, page number, title, author and class
Abstract: A one-paragraph (150-250 words) summary of what your paper is about)
Body or Text: This is what I count in the 7-10 pages
References Page: An alphabetical list of all the sources you used in the paper
In this paper, you will examine the physiological bases for a disorder/disease/phenomenon that affects human behavior or psychological processes (i.e Parkinson’s , depression, multiple sclerosis, stroke, etc.). You will need to identify the physiological causes (if known) and mechanisms of the disorder/phenomenon, its psychological effects, and how it is generally treated.
Use your imagination and analytical skills, as well as your interests to develop a topic. If you get stuck and can not seem to find something to write about, or you have a topic but do not know if it is acceptable, email me and I will give you some help in fine-tuning your choice.
I grade these papers according to a 75%-25% ratio. That is 75% content, 25% mechanics. I do count off for errors of grammar, style, spelling, sentence structure, etc, so write carefully. Twenty-five percent does not sound like much, but it is more than two grade points! I also know the content, many of the sources, and I check the sources I do not know, so do not turn in inaccurate material and expect a good grade. It is the students’ responsibility to familiarize themselves with the Grading Rubric I use to grade papers.
A Final Word about writing papers
Writing papers is not busy-work. This is not an assignment given to you because I like grading papers or I enjoy torturing you with the burden of writing. Good writing requires good thinking. This assignment will require you to analyze information from numerous sources, evaluate the usefulness or validity of that information, and then synthesize that information into a cohesive and understandable narrative from which you identify supportable conclusions and implications that will enhance your practice as a counselor. All of these tasks will require your best effort and some significant critical thinking skills. You will NOT do your best work if you wait until the last minute to begin working on this assignment. My suggestion is that you start immediately and work consistently on this paper. Remember, it constitutes roughly 25% of your final grade for the course.
……………..Answer preview……………
To understand a problem, it is always best that the problem is developed from the causes, through its signs, to how the said problem can be solved. Multiple sclerosis is a problem that faces people within the 20 to 40 years age bracket………………..
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