Explore the dimensions of nonverbal communication.
Assignment Details: Nonverbal Rule-Breaking
In this assignment, you will explore the dimensions of nonverbal communication. We conceptualize nonverbal communication along four dimensions:
This assignment requires that you manipulate the norms in at least three of these dimensions. How you manipulate them is up to you. Use the following guidelines to complete this assignment (follow this general pattern for each of the three dimensions chosen):
Provide an introduction (for the whole assignment) defining nonverbal communication, identifying its components, and explaining its importance to the interpersonal communication process.
Define and describe the particular nonverbalbehavior you are investigating. Thoroughly define and explain the general area (say, proxemics) as well as the particular behavior of interest to you. Do not assume the reader to be knowledgeable about the subject. Explain what would constitute normative behaviors for the situation (such as a person or a group) you will be testing.
Develop an experiment where you break with normative behavior in the chosen dimension of nonverbal communication. For example, devise a subtle and inventive way of invading someone’s space (proxemics). Explain in detail the intent of your experiment, the expected outcome, and how you will carry it out.
Carry out your experiment with an individual or a small group of people. These people may not be relatives (i.e., don’t experiment with your family), and at least two of the three experiments may not be with familiar people (such as roommates).
Explain how you carried out your experiment. Include the contextual variables that had bearing on the situation (such as environmental noise, other people in the environment, other situational norms, etc.). Give the results of the experiment, in some detail, focusing on how the “victim” coped with this “breach” or made an effort to maintain social equilibrium. In your description of the results, give a detailed description (be very specific) of your verbal (if there was any) and nonverbal communication as well as your subject’s verbal and nonverbal communication.
Provide a summary evaluation of the results of each experiment. Ponder on the following questions, as you write your thoughts:
Why do the norms exist?
How important are the norms?
How uncomfortable did the norms make the person feel?
What did the person do to address the breach?
Is the norm relatively universal or is it situational or specific to the relationship?
Did the person use primarily verbal or nonverbal tactics to deal with the situation?
What did the person do to save face?
Paper Format: APA
Number of pages: 5
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