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The differences between diagnostic summary and a biopsychosocial assessment

The differences between diagnostic summary and a biopsychosocial assessment

Assignment: Diagnostic Summary Including the Mental Status Exam
Last week, you considered the differences between diagnostic summary and a biopsychosocial assessment.

In order to begin diagnosing, a social worker conducts a diagnostic interview that gathers specific information to make a diagnosis. The Mental Status Examination (MSE), one part of that process, is designed to systematically help practitioners recognize patterns or syndromes of a person’s cognitive functioning. It includes very particular, direct observations about affect and other signs of which the client might not be directly aware. When the diagnostic interview is complete, the fluctuations and history of symptoms that the patient self-reports, along with the direct observations of the MSE, help with accurate diagnosis.

In this Assignment, you take on the role of a social worker conducting a diagnostic interview.

To Prepare
Download and review the Intake Assessment Template document. Complete your diagnostic summary in that document, and then submit this completed template for your Assignment.
Review the Learning Resources, including those focused on intake assessment, the MSE, and the Diagnostic Summary Example handout.
Watch the video segment listed in the Learning Resources.
Based on the client interview, complete as much of the Intake Assessment Template as possible based on the available information.
By Day 7
Complete all applicable sections in the Case Assessment Template.

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The differences between diagnostic summary and a biopsychosocial assessment


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