Review the Campbell and Stanley text, Experimental and Quasi-Experimental
Review the Campbell and Stanley text, Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Designs for Research, as well as the Discussion questions and responses from Week 1.
• Consider the focus of the research you would like to propose as part of your final research proposal. Also consider the designs listed in the Campbell and Stanley text and the feedback you received in Week 1 from your instructor and classmates. Based on this information, craft a research question for your Final Project.
• Think about which research design from the Campbell and Stanley text you would choose to answer your research question.
• Review survey information from the Nachmias & Frankfort-Nachmias text and from the Ahern article.
• Determine the appropriateness of Internet and survey research in gathering the data for your topic.
With these thoughts in mind:
a 3- to 4-paragraph description of your research question. Explain which research design you will use to answer your question. Also address the appropriateness of Internet and survey research to your design.
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Are stress and academic performance related?
Students are exposed to different environments while in their studies. Different students come across different experiences and difficulties at home and in school. This could make them get stressed up. Due to the different environments that students are exposed to, their performance really differs.Therefore, this research question attempts to research and analyze the relationship between stress and student’s academic performance……………..
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