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Health care administrators may be responsible for increasing engagement of patients in their health care experience

Health care administrators may be responsible for increasing engagement of patients in their health care experience

Health care administrators may be responsible for increasing engagement of patients in their health care experience. This could include direct contact with current patients to improve their care experience, or generalized outreach to prospective patients to promote services.

Discuss ways a health care administrator can engage patients as consumers of health services, while maintaining professional ethics. Explain any relevant legal or ethical considerations for the health care administrator to consider in their engagement strategy.
You may find it helpful to narrow your discussion to a specific segment of health care. For example: Primary care services, Hospital services, Dentistry, etc.

Cite any resources/references in APA formatting that were used in the discussion.

Answer preview to Health care administrators may be responsible for increasing engagement of patients in their health care experience

Health care administrators may be responsible for increasing engagement of patients in their health care experience


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