Loving One’s Neighbor and Multicultural Orientation
Paul Key
Loving One’s Neighbor and Multicultural Orientation
In understanding our neighbor, you must study “why they think, feel, and act the way they do-requires understanding their groups. Human behavior is so often group behavior the people must be studied in context- embedded in their families, friendship, cliques, teams, organizations, and so on (Forsyth.2019).
Expressing the core need of encouragement is relating to your cultural story and how it intersects with the stories of your clients. Encouragement is giving a man a pat on the back when he is down. I give about half of my tithe to homeless people, five and ten dollars at a time. Showing compassion is feeling the person’s pain with them, walk a mile in their shoes. I’m a white male so I have power and privilege, the best way to use your power would be to lobby for equal rights for women or immigration policies to relieve some of the stress in becoming documented. Luke10:27 Say’s you shall love the lord your god with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself. Loving your neighbor as yourself involves giving God’s love to an individual if you do this you will make the gospel sweeter as Chediak (2019) said, (Hook, et al.,2017)
Multicultural competence had several problems, because measurement is crucial to a solid scientific foundation, the major concerns regarding measurement of multicultural competencies have undermined the confidence of this body of work (Hook et al.,2019). He shifted from competency to humility because it aligns with recent theory and research on the importance of developing a strong multicultural orientation for work with diverse client (Hook et al.2017). Hook felt that the multicultural competency was lacking because it did not measure multicultural competency. There were several reasons, for one the words came out as gobble de gook. Therapists must be able to view themselves as well as their biases, strengths, limitations, areas for growth, values, assumptions. It is humility that helps us look at our biases and shortcomings. Once we are aware of them, we need to go to a seminar, group, or class and work on that deficiency. Being able to formulate information in a non-combative open manner is the Hallmark of intrapersonal humility and seeing areas for growth, it will make us better counselors. We must not be puffed up about our strengths for pride is a stumbling block for us.
Forsyth, D. R. (2019). Group dynamics (7th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage
English Standard Version, The Holy Bible (2016). Crossway Bibles.
https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%205%3A16&version=ESV (Links to an external site.)
Hook, J. N., Davis, D., Owen, J., DeBlaere, C. (2017). Cultural Humility: Engaging diverse
identities in therapy. American Psychological Association.
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