Grant Proposal Package
Grant Proposal Package
Write a 1,500-3,000-word grant proposal.
The Scenario: The deadline is drawing near for your grant proposal. You must now revise and assemble your materials in preparation to send your completed proposal to your funding source.
Your Task: Revise your grant-proposal parts and compile them into a single MS Word document. Remember to tailor your project sections as much as possible to the mission of the sponsor you are contacting. Your grant proposal package should include:
A cover letter
A cover page that includes
- The name of the project
- The names of project leaders from your organization
- The duration of the project
- The amount of funding you are seeking
- An abstract of your project
- The name and address of your organization
An executive summary
A proposal narrative with
- A needs statements
- Goals (or a single goal)
- Objectives
- Tasks
- An evaluation (including a sustainability narrative)
A budget narrative
Your grant proposal package may include these optional, additional features:
- A table of contents
- Appendices
Format Requirements:
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2390 words