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Health care information and system security is a major consideration for small and large health care organizations.

Health care information and system security is a major consideration for small and large health care organizations.

Health care information and system security is a major consideration for small and large health care organizations. Complete the following for this assignment:

  • Conduct research to find 1 security breach in a health care organization that has occurred in the past five years.
  • Research the breach, and then explain what could have been done to avoid or mitigate the impact of the security breach.
  • Conduct additional research to understand the penalties that health care organizations may be subject to if they fail to secure health care data.
  • Based on your research of the incident and the potential penalties, create a memo to a senior leader within a health care organization explaining why funding is justified to fund security-focused health care information technology projects.

Note: Use APA style to cite at least 2 scholarly sources from the last 5 years.

Answer preview to Health care information and system security is a major consideration for small and large health care organizations.

Health care information and system security is a major consideration for small and large health care organizations.


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