Share three (3) things you learned about from looking at your program’s research guide
2. Research Guide and Search Tools:
Share three (3) things you learned about from looking at your program’s research guide and the library’s search tools. The information below will help you.
- Go to the research guide for your program/major (or one that interests you, if you are undecided on your major). Explore the guide’s sections, including the tab that takes you to specialized databases (usually called Articles and Journals).
- Cruise the APUS Library search tools shown in the list below. Explore at least one search tool new to you.
To get started, check out the APUS Library video tutorials.
- I need help with learning to use the library. Are there any tutorials?
- Are there tutorials that can help me learn to use specific library databases?
- I’m new to e-books. Are there any tutorials that can help me get more comfortable with them?
- What is the Academic Integrity Tutorial?
The web resources in the APUS Library linked below may be helpful in your research.
- Social Science Research Network
- IR and Security Network
- Directory of Open Access Journals
- Current Government Information
Google Scholar How can I see full-text links for the APUS Library in Google Scholar?
3. Research Questions: In this section of the forum, you will be writing research questions. First go to the Sample Research Questions in the APUS Library’s Writing@APUS section. You will see a table showing questions that are identified as being problematic and then revised to be well-designed.
Then draft three (3) research questions on the topic that you are most interested in pursuing for your research paper. Remember that closed ended questions (those that can be answered with a yes or no) do not invite exploration or discussion and so are not good choices. This library link can help you:
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