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Discuss with your mentor teacher how he or she integrated creative arts into the literacy and language arts lessons

Discuss with your mentor teacher how he or she integrated creative arts into the literacy and language arts lessons

For this field experience, pretend to discuss with your mentor teacher how he or she integrated creative arts into the literacy and language arts lessons, and the results seen as students experienced this sensory approach. Observe any creative approaches the teacher uses to teach literacy skills.

Using information from your interview, observation, and your research, consider the following in a 250-500 word reflection:

1. How do instructional activities that focus on one standard in one content area vary from instructional activities that focus on multiple standards, content areas, and creative arts? What is more effective? Why? How?

2. How does introducing creative arts into a lesson enhance the experience of learning and increase engagement?3. How will this experience affect your future professional practice? Provide examples.Use 2-3 scholarly resources to support your summary.

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Discuss with your mentor teacher how he or she integrated creative arts into the literacy and language arts lessons


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