Who is Dayani Cristal
Also available on Netflix, coc libary, redbox and amzon prime with subtitles. (sometimes youtube is not the best with subtitles and this is 100% in Spanish)
Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns, or cannot get access to this movie…… at least 24 hours BEFORE due date so I have time to email you a separate article to review.
What is your immediate response to the film?
Was there a specific moment or person who stood out to you? Why? Did anything surprise you? What and why?
What is your personal reaction to learning about this/these issues? In other words, how did you personally relate to the story?
How many migrants per year from Central America undergo the type of journey through Mexico the film depicts?
What are the names of some of the organizations doing the work that the film mentions?
What issues do you think should be prioritized within the immigration debate in the U.S.? How could this be done?
How could countries of origin better provide for their citizens so that they are not left with few options other than migrating? What sorts of
initiatives or actions should be prioritized? By whom?
The film touches on many topics related to migration (development in sending communities, human rights, the migration journey, deaths on the border, forensic identification of bodies, policy implications, immigration reform). How do you think these issues relate to some of the classes you are taking or any previous knowledge or experiences you’ve had?
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Who is Dayani Cristal
“who is Dayani Cristal?” is a documentary that is directed by Marc Silver and it is aimed at creating a visual for the issues faced by immigrants as they make their way from Mexico to America. The story starts by the discovery of a decomposing body of an immigrant. The police find a tattoo on this man and the title is labeled as “Dayani Cristal”. There is nothing else they find useful identify this body. Thus the search for the real identity of the body begins and this is done by tiring to retrace the steps of this man from…