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Select two companies from the Global 100 and compare how various companies approach the subject of social responsibility

Select two companies from the Global 100 and compare how various companies approach the subject of social responsibility

Critical Thinking

Students could select two companies from the Global 100 and compare how various companies approach the subject of social responsibility. Students could investigate 2 companies and prepare a report.

The Global 100 is a group based in Canada that rates companies globally on a sustainability index:  http://www.global100.org/


Pointers for student’s reference-

Report must include-

*Introduction (250 words-2 Marks)

*Identify its key stakeholders (350 words-3 Marks)

*Critically analyse its CSR report (500 words- 4 Marks)

*Conclusion (150 words- 1 Mark)


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Select two companies from the Global 100 and compare how various companies approach the subject of social responsibility


1422 words

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