Childhood Language Development Process
Create a table that contains the following columns:
> 1. Modeling and Reinforcement
> 2. Nativism
> 3. Information Processing Theory
> 4. Sociocultural Theory
> 5. Functionalism
> Within the table, write a brief summary of each of the theories.
> Evaluate the theories. Choose the theory that you believe offers the most
> compelling explanation of the language-development process. Explain your
> reasoning below the table in short answer format.
> *Textbook*
> *1. Childhood Development and Education*
> Read chapter 9.
> *e-Library Resource*
> *1. Developing Language: Learning to Question, Inform, and Entertain*
> View “Developing Language: Learning to Question, Inform, and Entertain,”
> from The Open University (1994).
> *2. Why Do We Talk? The Science of Speech*
> View “Why Do We Talk? The Science of Speech,” from British Broadcasting
> Corporation (2009).
> 1200 words
> APA formatting
> use the references mentioned above
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Childhood Language Development Process
Childhood Language Development Process Theories Brief summary of each theory
Modeling and Reinforcement
The modeling and reinforcement theory results in the child being able to imitate something. Research conducted recently by authoritative scholars has shown that majority of language development usually comes from what is heard from other people and what is said. Modeling actually results to imitating something whereas reinforcement is a result of a child being able to say something and then an adult effectively encourages the child to repeat it repeatedly (British Broadcasting Corporation, 2009). The modeling and reinforcement process is normally performed when the child is still an infant and the process continues, as he/she grows older. However, neither reinforcement nor modeling substantially expounds on how a child is eventually able to achieve an adult-like form concerning their native language (McDevitt, 2014).
The Nativism theory is referred to as a theoretical concept, which states that small knowledge is mainly biologically built in. Either this little knowledge begins at birth or takes place not long after birth. The nativism theory mainly focuses particularly on syntactic development in accordance to McDevitt (2014).
Information Processing Theory
The information processing theory contains various choices of operations, which are utilized by a child in making out the language challenge or barrier. The information processing theory involves one major requirement, which is attention in accordance to British Broadcasting Corporation (2009). This theory contains cognitive processes, which must be sufficiently flexible, which allows a child to attain language regardless of the numerous means that adults are able to support effectively their language learning. The cognitive process theory usually focuses majorly on semantic development (McDevitt, 2014).
Sociocultural Theory
The sociocultural theory deals with how the language is able to develop through social interaction. The sociocultural theory contains language socialization that involves proper linguistic behaviors as well as more communicating (British Broadcasting Corporation, 2009). The intersubjectivity process is another paramount process in sociocultural theory since it involves two or more people say and think similar things at the same period. The sociocultural theory considers pragmatic skills and its focus is more on the semantic development as noted by McDevitt (2014).
Functionalism is the section of language development, which emphasizes the roles that language plays. The functionalism theory is mostly defined through the natural languages created and how they are utilized in various communications. Motivation is an integral concept, which is taking into consideration by the functionalism theory in order to fit into the entire picture (McDevitt, 2014).
In my view, I believe that the modeling and reinforcement theory provides………………..
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