Analyze a recent experience that you have had with a service business
Analyze a recent experience that you have had with a service business (for example, a hairdresser, movie theater, car repair, or restaurant) in terms of your expectations and perceptions about each of the five components of
Service quality.
Define a specific product for each level of distribution:
A. Exclusive
B. Selective
C. C. Intensive
Thoroughly explain why you classified each of these products in the designated category.
Reference for question one and two is:
Lamb, Charles W., Joseph F. Hair, Jr., & Carl McDaniel
7TH 14/ South-Western Publishing Co.
• Chapter 13
• Chapter 14
Chapter 15
………………….Answer Preview………………
One of the basic services that a man requires is hair dressing by a barber once in awhile. I recently visited a new town and was in need of a haircut for decency purposes. Looking for a new barber in a new town is never an easy task, however, through getting information from my friends in the town, I identified a reliable barber whose service was excellent. The barber had a good public…………………..
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