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Youth Suicide Attempts Soar Amid Pandemic, Especially Among Girls

Youth Suicide Attempts Soar Amid Pandemic, Especially Among Girls

Here is the NBC’s article titled “Youth Suicide Attempts Soar Amid Pandemic, Especially Among Girls: CDC”

Textbook: Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology by Ronald Comer & Jonathan Comer
Please read Chapter 7:  Suicide

Adolescent are increasingly vulnerable to suicide.  Youth suicide is a public concern, and it needs to be approached with sensitivity and insight.  Although suicide is an uncomfortable topic for parents and families to discuss with their children, a lack of discussion stigmatizes young people’s thoughts of death and encourages them not to talk to family and friends when they are contemplating taking their own lives.  The Centers for Disease Control (CDC), among other agencies, considers youth suicide a major public health concern and believes that more discussion and education need to be undertaken to provide resources and support for youth who have attempted suicide or contemplated it.
two articles.

After reading the CDC’s informational quick sheet titled  “Preventing Suicide”
Please answer the following questions:
1.  For young people age 10-34, suicide is the _____ leading cause of death (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.).
2.  What is one reason why, of all young people in the United States, Native American youth are at the highest risk for suicide?
3.  The article lists several risk factors for suicide.  What is one method of suicide prevention based on these risk factors?

After reading the NBC article:  “Youth Suicide Attempts Soar Amid Pandemic, Especially Among Girls: CDC”, please answer the following questions:
1.  What may be one reason why the increase in suicide attempts during the pandemic differed so significantly between genders?
2.  What is one recommendation for intervention noted in the article?



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Youth Suicide Attempts Soar Amid Pandemic, Especially Among Girls


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