PEPCON explosion
1- Assess which elements of PSM (Process Safety Management) have failed.
2- Describe the details of the incident and consequences.
3- Outline the root cause or causes of the incident.
4- What could have been done to prevent the incident.
1- Assess which elements of PSM (Process Safety Management) have failed.
2- Describe the details of the incident and consequences.
3- Outline the root cause or causes of the incident.
4- What could have been done to prevent the incident.
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………………Answer Preview…………….Introduction
The 20th century has been regarded as one of the most disastrous centuries in the history of mankind mainly because of the loss human lives and the injuries that many were subjected to. There were many industrial accidents such as the PEPCON explosion that was recorded in history and is rated to be among the worst industrial explosions ever. This explosion took place in Henderson, Nevada, in May 1988. There were subsequent explosions that took place that led to deaths, injuries and huge losses that amounted to……
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