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Analyze how your questionnaire responses indicate your personal leadership philosophy

Analyze how your questionnaire responses indicate your personal leadership philosophy

Assignment: Gender-Leader Association

Have you ever made a snap decision about someone based on first appearance? Most people have at one time or another. It is human nature; however, making quick decisions about people can be risky for both leaders and subordinates. Assessing how you make decisions about gender stereotypes could be helpful in determining your leadership potential and how it relates to gender gaps.

To prepare for this Assignment, go to the \”Gender-Leader Implicit Association Test\” (IAT) in the course text, Leadership: Theory and Practice. Be as honest and accurate in the timing as you can. Keep your scores for analysis in the Final Research Paper.

Write a 1- to 2-page paper describing your experience with the IAT.

Analyze how your questionnaire responses indicate your personal leadership philosophy.

Describe any questionnaire results that may have surprised you.

Analyze the impact that gender differences might have on your leadership style. Explain how understanding gender gaps might help you become a more effective leader.

Answer preview to analyze how your questionnaire responses indicate your personal leadership philosophyAnalyze how your questionnaire responses indicate your personal leadership philosophy


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