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Describe the desired goals and expectations for EHR implementation in relation to a clinic’s efficiency and cost savings

Describe the desired goals and expectations for EHR implementation in relation to a clinic’s efficiency and cost savings

Table of Contents Week 4DQ1W4 EHRs and Patient Care

Using electronic health records (EHR) provides several benefits to both clinicians and patients including decreased medical errors, decreased collection of redundant data, and more information at the time patient care is provided.

Within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, describe the desired goals and expectations for EHR implementation in relation to a clinic’s efficiency and cost savings. Justify your response with appropriate research and reasoning

.Directions to student: The final paragraph (three or four sentences) of your post should summarize key Coronavirus-related points that you are making.

Your main post must be two to three substantive paragraphs 450-500 total words and include at least four APA-formatted citations/references.

Submit your response using the lessons and vocabulary found in the reading as well in-class lecture

Answer preview to describe the desired goals and expectations for EHR implementation in relation to a clinic’s efficiency and cost savings

Describe the desired goals and expectations for EHR implementation in relation to a clinic’s efficiency and cost savings


679 words

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