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Identify the leadership style that closely aligns to your philosophy of care and explain what appeals to you about that style.

Identify the leadership style that closely aligns to your philosophy of care and explain what appeals to you about that style.

Self-Assessment Self-awareness is essential for developing leadership skills. Recognizing your own strengths, weaknesses, and values, and understanding emotional intelligence and learning styles can help you to be a more effective nurse leader.

For this assignment, you have the opportunity to take a variety of self-assessments to learn more about yourself and identify your assets and weaknesses as a leader. This will assist you in discovering how you can improve your own self-leadership skills. You will be asked to think critically about your results and submit a reflection as directed below.

Refer to the study materials. Select and complete three self-assessments. Be sure to document the results of each assessment to assist you in completing the reflection portion of the assignment below.

Self-Assessment Reflection Becoming self-aware is an ongoing process requiring introspection. The more often people practice self-reflection, the more opportunities they have to understand their own behaviors and adapt their approaches to working with other people, which can improve both your own and other\’s abilities to meet their professional goals.


In a 1,000-1,250 word reflective essay, address the following:

Provide a rationale and brief summary for selecting each self-assessment. Summarize the results you obtained on each assessment.

Identify the leadership style that closely aligns to your philosophy of care and explain what appeals to you about that style.

Reflect on how you might incorporate elements of that particular style as you exercise leadership in a practice or health care organization setting.

Discuss any particular areas for improvement the assessments helped you identify and some steps for improving your leadership capabilities.

Analyze the characteristics of an effective professional nurse leader, or individuals in nursing leadership. Discuss the characteristics and explain why they are effective for leadership in nursing.


Analyze different leadership theories and leadership styles. Select one theory and leadership style, different from your own, and explain how they each support a professional nurse leader or individual in nursing leadership. Consider how the theory shapes the nurse leader in such things as collaboration, conflict resolution, decision making, and negotiation.

You are required to cite three to five sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content.


Complete the \”APA Writing Checklist\” to ensure that your paper adheres to APA style and formatting criteria and general guidelines for academic writing. Include the completed checklist as an appendix at the end of your paper.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.


You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Course Materials if you need assistance.



APA Writing Checklist

Use this document as a checklist for each paper you will write throughout your GCU graduate program. Follow specific instructions indicated in the assignment and use this checklist to help ensure correct grammar and APA formatting. Refer to the APA resources available in the GCU Library and Student Success Center.

? APA paper template (located in the Student Success Center/Writing Center) is utilized for the correct format of the paper. APA style is applied, and format is correct throughout.

?  The title page is present. APA format is applied correctly. There are no errors.

? The introduction is present. APA format is applied correctly. There are no errors.? Topic is well defined.

? Strong thesis statement is included in the introduction of the paper.? The thesis statement is consistently threaded throughout the paper and included in the conclusion.

? Paragraph development: Each paragraph has an introductory statement, two or three sentences as the body of the paragraph, and a transition sentence to facilitate the flow of information. The sections of the main body are organized to reflect the main points of the author. APA format is applied correctly. There are no errors.

? All sources are cited. APA style and format are correctly applied and are free from error.? Sources are completely and correctly documented on a References page, as appropriate to assignment and APA style, and format is free of error.


Scholarly Resources: Scholarly resources are written with a focus on a specific subject discipline and usually written by an expert in the same subject field. Scholarly resources are written for an academic audience.

Examples of Scholarly Resources include: Academic journals, books written by experts in a field, and formally published encyclopedias and dictionaries.

Peer-Reviewed Journals: Peer-reviewed journals are evaluated prior to publication by experts in the journal’s subject discipline. This process ensures that the articles published within the journal are academically rigorous and meet the required expectations of an article in that subject discipline.

Empirical Journal Article: This type of scholarly resource is a subset of scholarly articles that reports the original finding of an observational or experimental research study. Common aspects found within an empirical article include: literature review, methodology, results, and discussion.

Adapted from \”Evaluating Resources: Defining Scholarly Resources,\” located in Research Guides in the GCU Library.

? The writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English. Utilize writing resources such as Grammarly, LopesWrite report, and ThinkingStorm to check your writing.


Answer preview to identify the leadership style that closely aligns to your philosophy of care and explain what appeals to you about that style.

Identify the leadership style that closely aligns to your philosophy of care and explain what appeals to you about that style.


1251 words

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