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Good communication skills are essential skills for both our daily and professional lives.

Good communication skills are essential skills for both our daily and professional lives.

Critical Thinking

Good communication skills are essential skills for both our daily and professional lives. In your point of view, what are the characteristics of a good communicator that managers looking for? and what values can businesses receive from hiring people with good communication skills? (Marks: 2.5)

Evaluate your communication skills, sort out your strengths and weaknesses. Describe one of your weaknesses, how it prevents you from being a good communicator? How do you plan to work on that weakness before you look for a job? (Marks: 2.5)

Writing Exercise

Write a sample Letter/ Message taking into your consideration the following points: (Marks:5)

The purpose of your writing.

The audience

The structure of your writing (outline)

The clarity of your writing (details and example)

The three important writing decisions (tone/ word selection/ length)


Citing of references is also necessary in APA style.

Your answers MUST include at least 1 outside references (other than the slides and textbook)

    • Using references from SDL will be highly valued.


Answer preview to good communication skills are essential skills for both our daily and professional lives.

Good communication skills are essential skills for both our daily and professional lives.


893 words

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