Microelectronics Milestones
Jaeger’s textbook on page 6 presents a list of important milestones in the evolution of the filed of electronics and
microelectronics from 1 874 to 2000. The list in your textbook ends in 2000, but the revolution continues.
Microelectronics is becoming nano-electronics and the race increases its speed. There’s no denying that the
microelectronics revolution of the past few decades has changed our world. Since we are studying microelectronics in this class, I’d like you to identify one milestone that in your opinion could be added to the list in the textbook for years between 2000 and 2013. Please write a short paper identifying the milestone and describing why you think it is the important one. Also, please describe its impact on one area of our lives. This is a very broad area and it might be difficult to choose. Please keep in mind that it is more critical how you describe and support your choice than if your milestone is the most important one. So pick an example of a milestone from 2000 to 2011 that you find interesting, and write the following:
1) describe what is the essence of that milestone event/discovery/invention /new device/new material/new
application and why you think it is a milestone.
2) explain how it has changed an aspect of life.
3) discuss what you think about this change, is it for better or worse?
In the attachment you will find everything you want to know about this assignment. However, in the attached file it shows both the two options I have already picked the first one. Also, I atached oage six from the book so you se the examples the professor was talking about. I
it’s an electrical engineering class.
you can use this milestone or any other which was found fromm 2000 onwards;
2000: Alferov, kilby and kromer share the Nobel Prize in physics for optoelectronic invention of the integrated circuit and hetero-structure devices respectively.
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Graphene is an allotrope of carbon. It is crystalline in nature. The carbon atoms in grapheme are densely packed in a hexagonal pattern. It can be described as a one-atom thick layer of graphite or it can also be considered as an indefinitely large aromatic molecule. Like most allotropes of carbon, grapheme is strong. It is also light and a good conductor of heat and electricity. High quality grapheme which means grapheme with the least amount of impurities is nearly transparent and possesses excellent qualities described above. When grapheme interacts with other materials and with light, it produces unique properties………………..
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