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Remaining ethical and being of good conduct would have helped in preventing this scandal from occurring.

Remaining ethical and being of good conduct would have helped in preventing this scandal from occurring.

Glen Ennis

As an employee or a manager in either the legal office or the engineering department, how would you have prevented this incident?

Remaining ethical and being of good conduct would have helped in preventing this scandal from occurring. As a manager in the organization, it is expected of me to direct, supervise, control and monitor the activities of the organization. The scandal wouldn’t have occurred if the managers in the organization had played their roles effectively (Annual report, 2010). Managing a team most times might not be an easy task. It is expected of me to administer tasks and duties to my employees and while doing that, I need to always monitor their performance in other to ensure that they are doing the right thing and not going against the ethics of the organization. There was also lack of communication as stated in the case study. The lawyers claimed that the engineers working in the organization withheld the emission device cheat from them and that they were never aware of the process (Consumer reports, 2016). This is as a lack of effective communication process. I would have ensured that there is a right means of communication in the organization. And as an engineer working in the organization, I would ensure to always make proper research about any device I wish to introduce in the organization (Boston, 2019). If everyone working in the organization actually understood what is expected of them to do, it would have limited the scandal from occurring. If the engineers had communicated this process before inserting the device, it might have not been inserted in their vehicles as people who tend to know the damages this might actually cause would have opposed to it.As the CEO of the diesel division of Volkswagen, how would you have responded when the situation became public? How would this response prevent future incidents?As the CEO of the diesel division of Volkswagen, it is in my place and my duty to ensure that whatever is been implemented or inserted in the vehicles are been signed by me. I would have ensure to instruct that the engineers or the rest of the employees in the organization do not perform or implement any sort of new device without having my signature or my permission to do so (Lippe, 2015). Most of the reports gathered proved that the CEO lied about not knowing that the device was inserted in the vehicle which proves that the CEO was never being honest. Proverbs (12:22, ESV) says “The Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in people who are trustworthy”. I would try to create an organization that has a strong ethics that whoever goes against the ethics of the organization would be punished according to the law. When the scandal occurred, in other for the organization to still gain back the trust of the public, it is in my place to acknowledge this huge mistake and address the issue accordingly. The CEO failed to understand this process and felt the best option was for him to resign. This is not recorded as good ethics. It is in our place to make mistakes as human but asking for forgiveness would help people around us to understand that the mistake was never intentional.



Annual Report 2010 (MAN Group, 2011). Accessed March 16, 2016 http://web.archive.org/web/20110812235358/http://www.man.eu/MANDownloadgalleries/All/3Investor_Relations/Geschaeftsbericht/2010/gb_2010_online_e_s .pdf

Boston, W. (2019, September 25). Volkswagen CEO faces charges from scandal. Wall Street Journal. Retrieved from            http://ezproxy.liberty.edu/login?url=https://search.proquest.com/docview/22965203            42?accountid=12085


Consumer Reports. (July 22, 2016 Friday). Volkswagen Diesel Emissions Scandal. Consumer Reports. Retrieved from https://advance-lexis-         com.ezproxy.liberty.edu/api/document?collection=news&id=urn:contentItem:5K8W  -24X1-JCMN-Y509-00000-00&context=1516831.


Lippe, P. (2015, October 13). Volkswagen: Where were the lawyers? ABA Journal. Retrieved from  http://www.abajournal.com/legalrebels/article/volkswagen_where_were_the_lawyers/

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Remaining ethical and being of good conduct would have helped in preventing this scandal from occurring.


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