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Select one leading health indicator, and research a state-level health prevention program  

Select one leading health indicator, and research a state-level health prevention program

week 3 Public Health Program Planning

1-Review the Healthy People 2020 Leading Health Indicators.Caution-https://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/Leading-Health-Indicators

2-Select one leading health indicator, and research a state-level health prevention program aimed at achieving it.Caution-https://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/healthy-people-in-action/State-and-Territorial-Healthy-People-Plans

3-Locate your state\’s (Texas)  vital statistics and/or census data to compare the outcomes of the selected leading health indicator.

4-Evaluate the state-level program\’s effectiveness in meeting the Healthy People 2020 goals based on your statistical and census data findings.

5- Determine if there is evidence in your community of alignment to the Healthy People 2020 goals through local programs and funding.

6-  Explain the evidence by providing links, a description, and summary of the program(s).

7- Format your assignment as an  875-word paper

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Select one leading health indicator and research a state-level health prevention program  APA

904 words

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