The topics of management and leadership are important to a healthy

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The topics of management and leadership are important to a healthy

The topics of management and leadership are important to a healthy and productive organization.  Students will write a paper focused on the human side of management and leadership using information from the course material, plus any supplemental material provided to you or from your own research.


By completing this assignment, students will meet the outcome(s):


  • identify the critical business functions and how they interact in order to position the organization to be effective in the current business environment
  • explain the importance of the integration of individuals and systems to organizational effectiveness
  • describe the ethical and social responsibilities that confront a business

Required Elements of the Short Paper:


  • Identify the aspects of the human side of management and leadership that you value from the readings; •Explain why you value these aspects;•Apply the material learned in the course to support the reasoning of why you value these aspects.Required Formatting of Paper:


  • This report should be double spaced, 12-point font, and two to three pages in length excluding the title page and reference page;
  • Title page;
  • Use APA formatting for in-text citations and a reference page. You are expected to paraphrase and not use quotes. Deductions will be taken when quotes are used and found to be unnecessary;
  • Submit the paper in the Assignment Folder.






criteria outstanding superior Good substandard Failure
Critical Thinking/Reasoning 7 points

demonstrates a high degree of critical thinking, is consistent in accurately interpreting questions & material; provides solid assumptions, reasoning & claims; provides thorough analysis & evaluation with sound conclusions

5.95 points

shows good critical thinking; accurately interprets most questions & material; usually identifies relevant arguments/reasoning/claims; offers good analysis & evaluation with fairly sound conclusions

5.25 points

shows occasional critical thinking; questions & material is at times accurately interpreted; arguments/reasoning/claims are occasionally explained; offers fair analysis & evaluation with a conclusion

4.55 points

shows little critical thinking, misinterprets questions or material; ignores or superficially evaluates; justifies little and seldom explains reasoning; draws unwarranted conclusions

3.85 points

lacks critical thinking consistently offers biased interpretations; ignores or superficially evaluates; argues using poor reasoning, and/or unwarranted claims

Application of Concepts/Development 7 points

arguments or positions are well-supported with evidence from the readings/experience; ideas go beyond the course material and recognize implications and extensions of the material and concepts

5.95 points

arguments or positions are mostly supported by evidence from the readings and course content; ideas presented demonstrate student’s understanding of the material and concepts

5.25 points

arguments are more often based on opinion or unclear views than on position grounded in the readings of material or external sources of material

4.55 points

arguments are frequently illogical and unsubstantiated; student may resort to ad hominem attacks on the author instead of making meaningful application of the material

3.85 points

a meaningful attempt to explain or support ideas does not exist

Attention to Instructions 3 points

demonstrated full understanding of requirements; responded to each aspect of assignment

2.55 points

demonstrated understanding of requirements; missed one minor aspect of assignment

2.25 points

demonstrated some understanding of requirements; missed a key element or two minor aspects of assignment

1.95 points

failed to show a firm understanding of requirements; missed two key elements or several minor aspects of assignment

1.65 points

did not demonstrate understanding of assignment requirements

Clarity; including grammar 2 points

writing is clear and easy to follow; grammar and spelling are all correct; formatting gives a professional look and adds to readability

1.7 points

most ideas are presented clearly; occasional spelling and/or grammar issues

1.5 points

wordy; some points require rereading to understand fully; more than an occasional spelling and/or grammar

1.3 points

unclear and difficult to understand; frequent spelling and grammar issues

1.1 points

largely incomprehensible writing/poorly written in terms of mechanics and structure

Adherence to APA style (6th ed.) 1 point

no APA style errors

0.85 points

attempts in-text citation and reference list but 1 or 2 APA style errors are present

0.75 points

attempts in-text citation and reference list; APA style errors are present; inconsistencies in citation usage can be found throughout the document

0.65 points

attempts either in-text citation or reference list but omits the other


0.55 points

no attempt at APA style

Overall Score Outstanding

18 or more


16 or more


14 or more


12 or more


0 or more subnetted to 62 subnets and provide information for subnets #1, #2, #60, and #62

Bits 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
Powers of 2 Subnets Hosts -2

Effects of Subnetting a Class B Network

Subnet Mask CIDR Net Bits Host Bits # of Nets Hosts/Net Total Hosts /16 0 16 1 65534 65534 /17 1 15 0(2*) 32766 0(65534*) /18 2 14 2(4*) 16382 32764(65528*) /19 3 13 6(8*) 8190 49140(65520*) /20 4 12 14(16*) 4094 57316(65504*) /21 5 11 30(32*) 2046 61380(65472*) /22 6 10 62(64*) 1022 63364(65408*) /23 7 9 126(128*) 510 64260(65280*) /24 8 8 254(256*) 254 64516(65024*) /25 9 7 510(512*) 126 64260(64512*) /26 10 6 1022(1024*) 62 63364(63488*) /27 11 5 2046(2048*) 30 61380(61440*) /28 12 4 4094(4096*) 14 57316(57344*) /29 13 3 8190(8192*) 6 49140(49152*) /30 14 2 16382(16384*) 2 32764(32768*) /31 15 1 32766(32768*) 0* 0(32768**) /32 16 0 65534(65536*) 1*** 65534(65536*)





[*] According to classic IP routing rules you are not able to use the subnets with all zeros or ones in the network portion. However most modern machines have no trouble actually using the upper and lower subnets. Steven C. Jensen has a very good discussion of lower/upper subnet use , including notes on how to convince Cisco routers to do it. (I’m not sure this applies for /32 though….)


[**] Note that you should not use a host address with all zeros as that means this host in many IP implementations (and is considered the broadcast address in some antiquated systems [SunOS-2?]), and neither can you use a host address with all ones, as that’s the broadcast address for the subnet. The host address of all zeros, in combination with the network address, are also used to specify the complete subnet address (RFC 1105).


This means that a 31-bit netmask is essentially useless since it leaves only two addresses per net: one for the network number, and the other for the broadcast address. In theory though you could specify a host address as the same as the network address if the IP implementation of the host(s) in question does not map an all-zeros host number to be equivalent to the localhost. I wouldn’t advise this though unless you’re really strapped for subnets. It’s far safer and more general to use /30 nets instead.


[***] An all-one’s netmask (i.e. all 32 bits) specifies a host address.



Valid subnets on a network (i.e. with a subnet mask of are:

Subnet 1: with addresses ->

Subnet 2: with addresses ->



Visit the Class C Subnetting summary table.





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Conversion Table

Decimal – Hexadecimal – Binary







Dec Hex Bin   Dec Hex Bin   Dec Hex Bin   Dec Hex Bin










0 0 00000000   64 40 01000000   128 80 10000000   192 c0 11000000

1 1 00000001   65 41 01000001   129 81 10000001   193 c1 11000001

2 2 00000010   66 42 01000010   130 82 10000010   194 c2 11000010

3 3 00000011   67 43 01000011   131 83 10000011   195 c3 11000011

4 4 00000100   68 44 01000100   132 84 10000100   196 c4 11000100

5 5 00000101   69 45 01000101   133 85 10000101   197 c5 11000101

6 6 00000110   70 46 01000110   134 86 10000110   198 c6 11000110

7 7 00000111   71 47 01000111   135 87 10000111   199 c7 11000111

8 8 00001000   72 48 01001000   136 88 10001000   200 c8 11001000

9 9 00001001   73 49 01001001   137 89 10001001   201 c9 11001001

10 a 00001010   74 4a 01001010   138 8a 10001010   202 ca 11001010

11 b 00001011   75 4b 01001011   139 8b 10001011   203 cb 11001011

12 c 00001100   76 4c 01001100   140 8c 10001100   204 cc 11001100

13 d 00001101   77 4d 01001101   141 8d 10001101   205 cd 11001101

14 e 00001110   78 4e 01001110   142 8e 10001110   206 ce 11001110

15 f 00001111   79 4f 01001111   143 8f 10001111   207 cf 11001111

16 10 00010000   80 50 01010000   144 90 10010000   208 d0 11010000

17 11 00010001   81 51 01010001   145 91 10010001   209 d1 11010001

18 12 00010010   82 52 01010010   146 92 10010010   210 d2 11010010

19 13 00010011   83 53 01010011   147 93 10010011   211 d3 11010011

20 14 00010100   84 54 01010100   148 94 10010100   212 d4 11010100

21 15 00010101   85 55 01010101   149 95 10010101   213 d5 11010101

22 16 00010110   86 56 01010110   150 96 10010110   214 d6 11010110

23 17 00010111   87 57 01010111   151 97 10010111   215 d7 11010111

24 18 00011000   88 58 01011000   152 98 10011000   216 d8 11011000

25 19 00011001   89 59 01011001   153 99 10011001   217 d9 11011001

26 1a 00011010   90 5a 01011010   154 9a 10011010   218 da 11011010

27 1b 00011011   91 5b 01011011   155 9b 10011011   219 db 11011011

28 1c 00011100   92 5c 01011100   156 9c 10011100   220 dc 11011100

29 1d 00011101   93 5d 01011101   157 9d 10011101   221 dd 11011101

30 1e 00011110   94 5e 01011110   158 9e 10011110   222 de 11011110

31 1f 00011111   95 5f 01011111   159 9f 10011111   223 df 11011111

32 20 00100000   96 60 01100000   160 a0 10100000   224 e0 11100000

33 21 00100001   97 61 01100001   161 a1 10100001   225 e1 11100001

34 22 00100010   98 62 01100010   162 a2 10100010   226 e2 11100010

35 23 00100011   99 63 01100011   163 a3 10100011   227 e3 11100011

36 24 00100100   100 64 01100100   164 a4 10100100   228 e4 11100100

37 25 00100101   101 65 01100101   165 a5 10100101   229 e5 11100101

38 26 00100110   102 66 01100110   166 a6 10100110   230 e6 11100110

39 27 00100111   103 67 01100111   167 a7 10100111   231 e7 11100111

40 28 00101000   104 68 01101000   168 a8 10101000   232 e8 11101000

41 29 00101001   105 69 01101001   169 a9 10101001   233 e9 11101001

42 2a 00101010   106 6a 01101010   170 aa 10101010   234 ea 11101010

43 2b 00101011   107 6b 01101011   171 ab 10101011   235 eb 11101011

44 2c 00101100   108 6c 01101100   172 ac 10101100   236 ec 11101100

45 2d 00101101   109 6d 01101101   173 ad 10101101   237 ed 11101101

46 2e 00101110   110 6e 01101110   174 ae 10101110   238 ee 11101110

47 2f 00101111   111 6f 01101111   175 af 10101111   239 ef 11101111

48 30 00110000   112 70 01110000   176 b0 10110000   240 f0 11110000

49 31 00110001   113 71 01110001   177 b1 10110001   241 f1 11110001

50 32 00110010   114 72 01110010   178 b2 10110010   242 f2 11110010

51 33 00110011   115 73 01110011   179 b3 10110011   243 f3 11110011

52 34 00110100   116 74 01110100   180 b4 10110100   244 f4 11110100

53 35 00110101   117 75 01110101   181 b5 10110101   245 f5 11110101

54 36 00110110   118 76 01110110   182 b6 10110110   246 f6 11110110

55 37 00110111   119 77 01110111   183 b7 10110111   247 f7 11110111

56 38 00111000   120 78 01111000   184 b8 10111000   248 f8 11111000

57 39 00111001   121 79 01111001   185 b9 10111001   249 f9 11111001

58 3a 00111010   122 7a 01111010   186 ba 10111010   250 fa 11111010

59 3b 00111011   123 7b 01111011   187 bb 10111011   251 fb 11111011

60 3c 00111100   124 7c 01111100   188 bc 10111100   252 fc 11111100

61 3d 00111101   125 7d 01111101   189 bd 10111101   253 fd 11111101

62 3e 00111110   126 7e 01111110   190 be 10111110   254 fe 11111110

63 3f 00111111   127 7f 01111111   191 bf 10111111   255 ff 11111111









1.        00000001 2.        00000010 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.
41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.
51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60.
61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70.
71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80.
81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90.


91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100.
101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110.
111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120.
121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130.
131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140.
141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150.
151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160.
161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170.


171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180.
181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190.
191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200.
201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210.
211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220.
221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230.
231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240.
241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 250.









…………………Answer Preview………………


            Many people used to people that good leaders were born and not made. This made some members of the society to be given leadership positions as a result of the belief they had leadership traits. However, studies conducted reveal leaders are made and not born. Any person with desire and willpower is in a position of becoming an efficient and effective leader. The process of developing good leaders is does not have any limits. Leaders develop themselves through education, self-study and experience. There are several things that leaders……………


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