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Public Health: Health Promotion And Disease Prevention

Public Health: Health Promotion And Disease Prevention

NSG/486CA: Public Health: Health Promotion And Disease Prevention

Wk 1 Discussion – Leading Health Indicators

Instructions: Reply substantively to at least 2 of your classmates. Be constructive and professional in your responses. Response ranges from 150 to 300 words per student.


*Jasmin M.

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After searching HealthyPeople.gov I’ve gained insight on what Leading Health Indicators are. According to “Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion” (2014) LHI can be defined as “objectives selected to communicate high-priority health issues and action that can be taken to address them” (Leading Health Indicator Development and Selection Process). Over a decade, progress is tracked and assessed to indicate if goals are met. The LHI’s were selected by National Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Objectives, the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences and the Secretary’s Advisory Committee all contributed to selecting LHI topics. Attention to individuals and society were key elements to selecting the recommendations as well.

I believe that the leading health indicator topics that are most important to my practice setting are the topics dealing with obesity. I currently work at a GI outpatient clinic where colonoscopy and endoscopies are done. A majority of patient’s that we see are overweight and have unhealthy eating habits that contribute to their GI problems such as GERD, ulcers, etc.


Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion(2014). https://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/LHI/whosleading.aspx

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*Eunice D.Top of Form

The Leading Health Indicators are subjects of high-priority Healthy People 2020 objectives selected to improve health and well-being. The HealthyPeople.gov (n.d.) states that the process is lead by the Healthy People 2020 Federal Interagency Workgroup, with approximately 50 members across the US Department of Health and Human Services and other Federal departments. The indicators were selected based on recommendations from the Secretary’s Advisory Committee on National Health Promotion and Disease Prevention objectives, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine LHI Committee, and from subject matter expects. All LHI must have risk factors and behaviors, address national importance, impact on public health outcomes, evidence-based interventions and strategies, address health equity, and periodically have reliable data availability. An important topic in my community is access to healthcare. Although different private or government insurances are introduced, still there are many people living with no medical insurance. Affordable Care Act have been implemented to promote increase in affordability and access to the public, However even when people do have a health insurance, the coverage controls the availability and limitation in the treatment patients can receive. It is important the there is more awareness and education on benefits and importance of medical insurance. In addition government should step further steps to better access to healthcare such as promotion of preventive services or a universal coverage to benefit everyone.


HealthyPeople (n.d.). Leading Health Indicators Development and Framework. Retrieved from https://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/LHI/whosleading.aspx

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Public Health: Health Promotion And Disease Prevention


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