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Why is macro and mezzo level practice an important component of generalist social work

Why is macro and mezzo level practice an important component of generalist social work

You will need to complete the assigned readings prior to participating in the discussion forum. In addition, you will visit a website and listen to: A Case for Reparations by Coates.

Once you have completed your readings, craft an initial post containing a response to no fewer than 3 of the 5 prompts:

Why is macro and mezzo level practice an important component of generalist social work?

How does covert institutionalized oppression through macro level policy trickle down to the daily prejudices held by members of society?

How do you make meaning of our professional role within the units of attention (see Meenaghan)?

Identify how what happened in the Coates article relates to our professional values and responsibilities as generalist practice social workers? You may also offer your general impressions of the article.

Choose any concept of interest from Chapter 1 or 2 (theory, model, framework) in our Meenaghan text. Apply that concept to a current real-world situation to show how change happens.


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Why is macro and mezzo level practice an important component of generalist social work


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