Strategies for Implementing Change
In the article “Commitment vs. Compliance: The Key to Sustainable Change,”
> the author Connie Curran, identifies three interrelated activities
> necessary for sustained organizational change and learning. What are these
> three activities? Apply these activities to your change proposal by
> explaining how these activities are related or can be used to realize and
> sustain the change.
> *Ensure complete answers for the questions and comprehensive research to
> bring out the topic well. quality is essential in this question. good
> grammar is required. Use subtitles to enhance understandability *
> *APA, 300 words *
> *three references (use the article as one of the references)*
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Strategies for Implementing Change
As explained by Curran (2002), sustained organizational change and learning is dependent of three interrelated activities namely research, investing in capacity building, and focusing on best practice. The relationship that exists in these three activities can be understood in a number of ways that include the following.
As an example, it is by carrying out research that different organizations are able the necessary data that can be used in the expansion of both the knowledge and the skills of employees. When employees are equipped with the right skills, it is very likely that the overall effectiveness and performance of the organization will be improved because employees usually engage in activities that are in line with the goals or objectives of the business. In……………….
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