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What do you think is the most pressing issue in higher education today that will require proper planning by university administrators to adequately address

What do you think is the most pressing issue in higher education today that will require proper planning by university administrators to adequately address

After all our discussions on trends in higher education and preparing to address these areas through assessment, evaluation, and strategic planning, in this discussion you’ll discuss the most pressing issue faced by Universities. Prior to completing this discussion read Chapter 7 in Clawson & Page (2011).

Initial Post: Create an initial response that addresses the following:

Part 1: Identify

What do you think is the most pressing issue in higher education today that will require proper planning by university administrators to adequately address? Please be sure to explain your selection.
Part 2: Outline

Outline a series of objectives for addressing the issue. Be sure to identify at least three objectives.
For each objective, list at least two tasks that would need to be carried out by the university to accomplish that objective.
The initial post should be a minimum of 300 words.

Guided Response: Post responses to at least two classmates. In your response, reflect on your classmate’s responses. Questions you might consider in your response include:

Do you agree with the issue selected by your classmate?
Are there any objectives that you feel should been included that were not?
How well do you feel the tasks align to the objectives?
Requirements: 500 words

Answer preview to what do you think is the most pressing issue in higher education today that will require proper planning by university administrators to adequately address

What do you think is the most pressing issue in higher education today that will require proper planning by university administrators to adequately address


584 words

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