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The exploration of mental illness amongst title 1 secondary teachers

The exploration of mental illness amongst title 1 secondary teachers

Proposed Project/Topic: The exploration of mental illness amongst title 1 secondary teachers

Proposed Project Approach

Identify and justify the proposed project approach you believe you will use to align with your justification and purpose statements, and to answer your over-arching research question(s) or address your project intent. In your initial post, due by Day 3 of Week 2, include:

One paragraph describing the project approach you selected.

One paragraph describing how you will collect data for your study, and whether you will collect quantitative, qualitative or both types of data.

One paragraph justifying why the approach is appropriate for executing your study.

In response to the posts of two or more of your peers, due by Day 7 of Week 2, provide feedback about your classmate’s identified project approach, and how their approach is similar or different to yours and why.

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The exploration of mental illness amongst title 1 secondary teachers


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