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Provide your personal definition of leadership.

Provide your personal definition of leadership.


The text talks about leadership and discusses several models of leadership. We all have opinions of what is required for effective leadership, leaders we admired and leaders we saw as ineffective. Sometimes when thinking about leadership people also talk about management. Often, people distinguish between management and leadership and see each requiring different skills and strengths. We have all encountered and interacted with leaders or observed leaders from a distance. We see leaders in the government, the military, businesses, schools, communities, etc. The purpose of this assignment is reflect on explain your view of leadership:

1). Provide your personal definition of leadership. You can certainly look up different definitions to help you think about and form your personal definition.

2). Explain what you think is the difference between leadership and management. What are the different purposes and functions of a leader and manager? Do the roles overlap and complement each other or are they distinct and require different people and different sets of skills?

3). List out five key attributes (with descriptions/examples of each) that you think are critical for effective leadership.

4). Describe an example from your personal experience or observation of a leader you observed from a distance of someone who you see as an example of either a good leader or a bad leader. Describe four or five characteristics of that person with a description of how those characteristics played out either positively or negatively in that person’s leadership style.

5). Finally, describe at least three social psychology principles that leaders need to understand and address in some way to be an effective leader.

Due Date

Assignment 7 (10 points): 

Requirements: at least page

Answer preview to provide your personal definition of leadership.

Provide your personal definition of leadership.


611 words

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