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Budgetary priorities

Budgetary priorities

The president and the Congress identify budgetary priorities by the level of funding appropriated to address those public policy problems.  In a two- to three- page paper (not including title and references pages), identify and analyze a specific public policy problem that has not received sufficient funding from Washington or from your state. Consider an issue such as health care, education, veterans’ care, foreign aid, or job training programs. In your analysis, explain the policy issue, assess the funding situation, and analyze the impact of insufficient funding on stakeholders.

Your paper must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide and should cite at least one scholarly source in addition to the textbook.


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Despite the reforms that have taken place in the health care sector in the whole country, our state government has not allocated adequate funds required to ensure that the reforms benefit the American population. Today, many people in Ohio cannot comfortably meet the cost of health care services despite the federal government’s reforms in the sector. Many people blame the state government for not allocating adequate funds to the health care sector. Many healthcare centers do not have necessary equipment needed to effectively serve people. The other problem that is of great concern to people here is the shortage of nurses in these centers. We agree that there is a shortage of nurses in the whole nation. However………………


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